Slide More Info Registering a business Business First image Registering a business is made easy with guidance from Business 1st Slide ONE STOP SHOP Business First Meeting More Info Acting as a one stop shop for business, services are provided at Business 1st by a number of entities Slide Business First Reception More Info At Business 1st we provide businesses with the necessary information to obtain the licences and permits to operate within the country Slide More Info Registering a business Business First image Registering a business is made easy with guidance from Business 1st Slide More Info Registering a business Business First image Registering a business is made easy with guidance from Business 1st

Opening Hours

Sep – Jun

Business hours:

Mon Tue Thu 8:00–16:00
Wednesday 8:00–19:00
Friday 8:00–13:00

Phone number:

144 (08:00hrs - 1600hrs)


Business hours:

Mn Tu Th Fr 8:00–13:00
Wednesday 8:00 –19:00


Business hours:

Mon – Fri 8:00 – 13:00

*Note: Some officers may be present on specific dates/times. Click here for info.

Search for License/Permit

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Recent Posts

  • Business 1st and Malta Enterprise 
  • Commissioner for Revenue – VAT 
  • Commissioner for Revenue – TAX 
  • Malta Tourism Authority 
  • Jobsplus 
  • Malta Chamber of SMEs
Malta Tourism

Take advantage of the wide range of services

If you would like more info click on the relative categories or use our extensive search, otherwise please contact us or pop in to see us.

Please complete the form to submit a support ticket request. Once you click the Submit Ticket button, a copy of your request, including a tracking number, will be registered.

In order to help our clients further improve their competitive edge, Malta Enterprise has developed various incentives .....

The compilation of this eForm provides a single channel for individuals to register and commence operations as self-employed...

The compilation of this eForm provides a single channel for the commencement of operations of an MFSA-registered company....

​Points of Single Contact (PSC) were established by Services Directive 2006/123/EC. In Malta, the Point of Single Contact is located at Business 1st.

What our clients say?

Do you want to tell us your experience or suggest an improvement in our services?
Just send us your feedback today via a form on our Contact page.

John Muscat

From the moment we started communicating with Business First we felt that they were going beyond to ensure that our needs and were met and all information and assistance that we needed was given efficiently and effectively. Highly supportive and highly recommended.

john pic
John Muscat - Managing Director
The Biocare Group

Joanna Micallef Farrugia

Business First is a key reference centre on my speed dial. The information and direction provided is sound and beneficial to my business. It is a peace of mind to know that any direction we may need is available on demand! A useful asset to any local business owner.

Joanna Micallef Farrugia
Managing Partner & Co-Founder Tettiera

Joe Galea

During the past years,on several occasions and for various reasons we contacted Business First for advice, information and assistance. I can confirm that they treated us with diligence and professionality, ultimately their assistance was pivotal to our business success.

331385387_206228088662742_578371460364290101_n (1)
Joe Galea
Heritage Homes Ltd and NemNem Candle
Client Contacts 2023

Client Contacts 2023


Client contacts 2023

Client contacts include visitors at Business 1st, E-mails and Calls on 144.

Client Contacts 2022

Client Contacts 2022


Client contacts 2022

*Of which 58,835 contacts were related to ME Covid-19 assistance schemes.

Client Contacts 2021

Client Contacts 2021


client contacts 2021

*Of which 127,018 contacts were related to ME Covid-19 assistance schemes.

Client Contacts 2020

Client Contacts 2020


Client contacts 2020

*Of which 127,018 contacts were related to ME Covid-19 assistance schemes.

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